Hello & welcome! My name is Janice and I’m a destination wedding photographer based in Toronto, Canada. If you are here, then chances are like me, you also love to travel! I love exploring new places and new cultures, seeing everything through new eyes, with a sense of wonder. Traveling forces you to focus & connect with the present and just stay in the moment. You are reminded that life can be simple again. So I love destination weddings as well, and I also love meeting new people when I travel. My camera gives me an excuse to connect with people.

Here are some of my favourite destination weddings & other destination work. Coming to a city near you? Check out my Bucket List here.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Venice Honeymoon Portrait Session // Hieu & Alex

This romantic Venice honeymoon portrait session has been featured on UK wedding blog Want That Wedding, as well as on Br ...

Reykjavik Family Photographer // Kristin’s family

I met some really lovely people when I went to Iceland last March. So when I had the opportunity to go back in September ...

Negril Jamaica Engagement Photography // Alaina & Denis

A couple of days before Alaina & Denis' gorgeous wedding in Negril, we met in the morning and took some engagement/p ...

Negril Jamaica Wedding Photographer // Alaina & Denis

Near the end of November, I had the opportunity to photograph Alaina & Denis' destination wedding in Negril, Jamaica ...

Iceland Portrait Photography // Gita & Matt

If you've been to my site before, you know about my love of Iceland. So when Gita contacted me about photographing  an a ...

Cabo San Lucas Portrait Photography // Lover’s Beach // Steph & Matt

Two days after Stephanie & Matt tied the knot in sunny Cabo San Lucas, we went to Lover's Beach (Playa del Amor) for ...

San Francisco Engagement Photography // Ilana & Josh

Ilana and I used to work together :) As I write this, it's starting to sound really familiar. I have photographed a lot ...

Destination Wedding Photography Mexico // Stephanie & Matt

Stephanie & Matt got married on a beautiful day in sunny Cabo San Lucas, Mexico while spring was still struggling wi ...

Selma & Andri // Iceland Wedding Photography

Selma & Andri's Icelandic anniversary session was featured on Mountainside Bride! Even though I didn't photograph S ...