Toronto Destination Wedding Photographer

Cottage Engagement Photography // Brittany & James (& Abby)

“Why does a chicken coup always have two doors?” said James as he looked over at Brittany.

“Because otherwise it’d be a sedan!” Brittany answered before James could finish his joke. I laughed behind my camera as they chuckled.

Distinct sense of humour and underlying mischievousness were a few things that drew James to Brittany when they first met.

For their Document Love session, we decided on a cottage engagement session since they have spent a lot of time there throughout their relationship. It is somewhere they love to relax, go for a swim and spend time with loved ones. Brittany’s parents were also in the process of selling the property so the photos would definitely be special mementos.

“To me love is a full house, cooking, slowing dancing in the kitchen”.

There is a quiet yet spirited quality to their connection. Here are some of my favourite photos from their session.